Our Life Members
Stewart Caffey
Nancy Masters
Alice Greenwood
Betty Thomason
Life members gain the status by gift from the membership as a whole, by paying a one time fee of $600, by receiving the honor as a gift from another, or by reaching the age of 90 while a member of AWG.
Join AWG! Dues are payable in June
Annual Fee $25.00 single; $35 couples
If you are not in the Abilene area, by joining you will receive our wonderful Newsletter. That way you can keep up with what's going on in AWG along with contests and more information.
Mail check or money order to:
Abilene Writers Guild
P.O. Box 262
Abilene, Texas 79604
Better yet, join at any of our monthly meetings!
Our Officers and Board Members, 6/1/24
President: Ron Davis (2024-26)
Executive VP: Chuck Webber (2023-25)
Program VP: Sharon Ellison (2024-26)
Secretary: Linda Gordon (2024-26)
Treasurer: Mary Berry (2023-25)
Board Member: Julie Frybarger (2024-26)
Board Member: Gail McMillan (2023-25)
Alternate: Carolyn Dycus (2023-25)
Newsletter Editor: Kay Talley
The History of Abilene Writers Guild
The Abilene Writers Guild has grown in size and scope. Formed in May, 1969, the organization met in the home of the first president, Juanita Zachry, then in the residences of other members. We soon outgrew houses and met over the first ten years at various places including the Abilene Savings Building, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Building, and a few times at the Junior League Building. Juanita Zachry was president until June, 1978.
The Guild bought a building on Hickory Street in 1980. The old laundromat became a proper meeting place as members spent many hours bringing it to their standards. They could hardly have known, though, that twenty years later it would be too small for the group. Members are currently from Abilene and the surrounding Big Country area, as well as other cities throughout Texas, and even several other states. The web site has brought writers from much farther afield, and together we work to achieve our objectives. If you're not a member, we have room and possibilities awaiting you.
Objectives: To study methods of writing and research,
To develop our talents as writers,
To promote interest in writing, and
To encourage our fellow writers at all times