Objectives: To study methods of writing and research,
To develop our talents as writers,
To promote interest in writing, and
To encourage our fellow writers at all times
General information: abilenewritersguild.org
1. Open to any person age 15 or older.
2. Entries must be postmarked between Oct. 1, 2024, and Nov. 30, 2024.
3. Categories with fewer than 5 entries are not eligible for prizes but may be
critiqued if judges agree. See page two for categories, details and fees.
4. All entries must be your original work, unpublished as of Oct. 1, 2024.
Publication on the internet IS publication. The work must not have earned
a cash award in any previous AWG Annual Contest! However, Honorable
Mentions from past annual contests may be re-entered and any AWG monthly
members-only-contest entry is eligible if it fits the category. Font size 12, Times
New Roman preferred. Type on one side of page.
5. Separate COVER SHEETS for each entry required. Cover sheet set-up:
Upper left corner: your name, complete address, phone number and email address.
Upper right corner: category and number of words or lines.
Middle of page below corners, center your title on the cover sheet.
6. Do NOT count the title in your word count. Author’s name goes
ONLY on the cover sheet.
First page of your Poetry/Flash Fiction, categories 1-4: List category and number
of lines or words in Upper Right Corner. CENTER THE TITLE OF YOUR ENTRY;
double space down again and begin. Single space these entries. (Title of entry on
this page; NO author’s name!)
First page of categories 5-9: One-inch margins. Upper right corner: list category
and number of words. CENTER YOUR TITLE, double-space entire manuscript..
On all following pages: list entry title and page number in upper right corner.
(Title only on p. 2,3,4 etc.; NO author’s name.)
Mail Entries! STAPLE COVER SHEET TO EACH ENTRY! Attach payment to
entries with a paper clip! Fill in registration form or facsimile Enclose self-addressed,
stamped envelope with adequate postage to return your entries and/or prize if
you win. Otherwise, entries will be discarded on or after May 31, 2024. (One stamp
per 5 pages in a #10 letter-size envelope. When in doubt, check with your post office.)
Our judges are asked to critique each entry, but we cannot guarantee same. Those
in the Abilene area may bring entries to AWG’s October and November meetings.
Reminder: As in other writing contests, entries not meeting the guidelines will be
disqualified and fees will not be refunded. Please follow the rules carefully. Decisions
of the judges are final. Winners will be announced at our Annual Awards Workshop
in March 2025, and will be listed on our Website by April 15, 2025. Prizes will be
mailed to winners who cannot attend the Workshop, but we must have your SASE.
Please watch our website and/or Newsletter for location date, time and other details
of the March 2024 Workshop. Entries will be available for pickup immediately
following the Workshop.
PRIZES: Cat. 1-4 Cat. 5-9
First $70 $100
Second $45 65
Third $25 35
S. Ellison, 862 Grand Ave, Abilene TX 79605
Email Questions to: AWGWrite@gmail.com
Your phone number:_____________________
Your name: ___________________________
Street address:_________________________
Your email address:______________________
May send cash, OR make check or money order payable to: Abilene Writers Guild
# of entries in Cat. 1-4 = _____ X $7.00 each = $_______________
# of entries in Cat. 5-8 = _____X $10.00 each = $_______________
# of entries in Cat. 9 = _______X $15.00 each = $______________
Check Number ____________ Grand total $_______________
CATEGORIES, Max Words/Lines; Entry Fees
1. Rhymed Poetry, any style, 50 lines. $7
2. Unrhymed Poetry, any style, 50 lines ,$7
The five prompt words must be used in Flash Categories 3 and 4.*
*3. Flash Poetry: hamper, odor, prolific, ample, concerned--100 words, $7
*4. Flash Fiction: reclaimed, infamous, worthy, difficult, orderly--100 words, $7
5. Children’s Stories Preschool OR elementary age readers, 750 words, $10
6. Inspiration , Any form: prose/drama/religious, 1200 words., $10
7. Memoir/Nostalgia, Take reader back to a former time, 1200 words, $10
8. Fiction for Adults , Short story for teens and older, 1200 words, $10
9. Science Fiction, For teens and older, 2500 words, $15
Enter as many times as you wish in one or multiple categories!