Objectives: To study methods of writing and research,
To develop our talents as writers,
To promote interest in writing, and
To encourage our fellow writers at all times
The programs at our monthly
meetings are geared to writers
of all genres. You are sure
to find something of interest.
Give us a try!
Entering contests can hone your writing skills! In 2024, we will offer monthly
members-only contests from February through August. Join us and sharpen your ability!
Watch for Annual Contest Rules available in August!
Kay Talley has been our Newsletter Editor since May 2020. Join AWG and receive one each month!!
Contact Us
The Abilene Writers Guild is an organization of writers, both professional and beginning, who meet monthly for education, sharing, and encouragement. Membership opportunities include contests, programs, and sharing of information.
Join AWG!
Annual Fee $25.00; couples $35
Mail check to:
Abilene Writers Guild
P.O. Box 262
Abilene, Texas 79604
or bring fee to a monthly meeting