Objectives: To study methods of writing and research,
To develop our talents as writers,
To promote interest in writing, and
To encourage our fellow writers at all times
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Miscellaneous page::
Writers notice things like this. Here are some examples of REAL headlines printed in Newspapers several years ago; but it happens often!
Bugs flying around with wings are flying bugs (ya think?)
Republicans turned off by size of Obama's package (eyeroll)
Barbershop singers bring joy to school for deaf (hmmm)
Hospitals resort to hiring doctors...Physician shortage prompting move, administrators say (another eyeroll)
Federal Agents Raid Gun Shop, Find Weapons (really?)
Homeless survive winter: Now what? (good grief!)
Homicide victims rarely talk to police (obviously)
This is a good reminder for each of us: write, then read it OUT LOUD to hear how it sounds. :)