Type your paragraph here.

AWG Members Only Monthly Contest


Objectives:   To study methods of writing and research,
      To develop our talents as writers,
          To promote interest in writing, and
                       To encourage our fellow writers at all times

                                               Members Only Monthly Contest – 2024 
                                                 (Monthly winners listed below rules)

Exclusive: For current members of AWG only. All entries eligible for Annual Contest. No fees!

Judging: Judges are professionals who may or may not choose to critique entries. Choice of winners is final. If there are fewer than four entries per category in double category months, categories will be combined. Six entries per month are required for judging.

Prizes: $20 first prize and $15 second prize. You are encouraged to attend the meetings to pick up your check. Otherwise, they will be mailed to the physical address provided.

Pay careful attention to all guidelines.

Deadline: Submissions received any time after the 12th of the previous month, but due by the 12th of the contest month.

Enter by Email Only: Send documents as attachments with the cover sheet separate from the entry and both in Word format only. Subject Line should state: AWG Contest and “Month” (e.g. January). Entries will be returned to the email on coversheet. Warning: some devices may not transmit document correctly, thus disqualifying entry. AWG will respond within five days. It is entrant’s responsibility to verify and resend.

Send to:   awg.entry@yahoo.com

Mix & Match: Submit up to 3 entries per month. Enter poetry, prose, or both. Blended themes are acceptable. Must be original work unpublished at deadline (includes Internet posts).

** You may send up to 3 entries and accompanying cover sheets in the same email, but all cover sheets and entries must be separate attachments.**

Cover Sheet Format:  Top left: author’s name, physical address (to mail prize check), telephone number, and email. Top right: Chosen month of entry, word count for Prose and Flash entries or line count for poetry. (Do not count the title when determining line or word counts.) Title of entry should be centered midway down the page.

Entry Format:  Do not include author name or other information on any page. Minimum one-inch margins; prose double spaced; poetry single or double spaced. First page: center title at top, double space then start text. Number subsequent pages at the top center or top right.

MONTH                              THEME                                                             CATEGORY

JANUARY        No contest this month                                  Extra writing time for February

FEBRUARY     Inspiration, Humor, Family Stories           Poetry – 50 lines or less; 
Winners listed below!**                                              Non-Fiction – 1,000 words or less

MARCH         Mandatory prompt words:                            Flash entry: Fiction or Poetry
                        glow, free, tip, long, gather 
**                      100 max using 5 prompt words

APRIL            National Poetry Month   
**                           NO THEME, Rhymed or Unrhymed Poetry
                                                                                                  50 lines or less

MAY               National Short Story Month **                    NO THEME: Fiction – 1,000 words or less

JUNE              AWG Non-Fiction Month
**                          NO THEME: Non-Fiction – 1,000 words or less

JULY               Fantasy, Nature, Summer                             Poetry – 50 lines or less
                                                                                                  Fiction – 1,000 words or less

AUGUST       Mandatory prompt words:                           Flash entry: Fiction or Poetry
                       think, twist, web, lull, wind                            100 max using 5 prompt words

Flash Fiction/Poetry use 5 mandatory prompt words, or close form and meaning, like: Oil = oiled, oils, oiling, oiler, oily not spoil or foil; boat = lifeboat; speak = unspeakable, not spoken; place = placement; defect = defection or defective.

June Non-Fiction Winners:

1st place: Ande Wearden               "Getting Older"

2nd place: Chuck Webber             "Betty's Crime Scene Report?

HM: Mary Berry                             "A Lasting Lesson"

HM:  Andie Wearden                    "The Smell of Ladybugs"

May Short Story Winners:

1st place: Andie Wearden              "Nonverbal"

2ns place: Janice Post                    "A Small Tale of Parting!"

April Rhymed or Unrhymed Poetry:

Rhymed First: Chuck Weber              "Mom's Letter"

Rhymed Second: Debi Fairchild       "Life on a Farm"

Unrhymed First: Debi Fairchild        "The Power of Poetry"

Unrhymed Second: Chuck Weber    "Thomas in White"

March Flash Prose & Poetry Winners!

First: Chuck Webber   "Collector of All That is"

Second: Mary Berry   "The Insect Ball"

February Winners!

First Place: Cindy Mims, "Mom and Dad"

Second Place: Chuck Webber, "Aging Gracefully"