
Objectives:   To study methods of writing and research,
      To develop our talents as writers,
          To promote interest in writing, and
                       To encourage our fellow writers at all times



Visit tsaunderspubs.weekly.com for some interesting weekly writing challenges from the UK!

Pick up a copy or subscribe to Poets & Writers Magazine.  There are MANY contests listed in this publication. There is sure to be at least one that fits your genre!

​​Take a look at winningwriters.com for contests with big prizes! They have a new no-fee humor poetry contest open! Sign up for their Newsletters to see lots of available contests.

Sign up for Writers Weekly's newsletters.  The newsletters are free and are full of good articles for writers along with paying markets looking for writers, plus contests!


Check out fanstory.com/writing for LOTS of writing contests.  No better way to hone your writing skills than entering contests.

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